
martes, 17 de enero de 2012

25 Years

I love you, thank you for all
I’m here, thank you
You mean the world to me
You’re my family, thank you
I love you, für immer, für immer
You’re deep inside my heart, für immer

25 years
Blood, pain and tears
25 years
Of blood, rock and tears
25 years

I keep on fighting for so long
And I keep on trying on and on
I keep believing in you all
And I feel so honoured
To bring you love

25 years
Blood, pain and tears
25 years
Of rock, blood and tears
So many great years
With joy, blood and tears
I’m loving these years
With joy, pain and tears
Amazing years
With love, pain and tears
So great it feels
For 25 years
25 years
Loving these years
So many great years
Of rock, blood and tears
25 years

martes, 3 de enero de 2012


Hay días donde te gustaría ir a una habitación aislada para gritar hasta desmayarte, llorar hasta caer rendido y correr hasta llegar a la Luna.

Para todo lo demás MasterCard.

P.D. Al menos ya solo quedan 3 días para reyes.